"Are coincidences real?"Paul BroksFeb 41 min readhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/13/are-coincidences-real
"Why not have a Tarot reading?"""I didn't actually ask you if you believed in this tarot reading stuff. Do you?" The tarot reader and author EV Harte...""
"Psychedelic drug DMT to be trialled on UK volunteers to tackle alcohol misuse."A powerful psychedelic that is used in healing ceremonies by Indigenous groups in the Amazon is being trialled as a pioneering approach...!
"Simple finger-tapping technique eases anxiety in MINUTES, study finds..." (Daily Mail 23/10/23)https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12662177/Simple-finger-tapping-technique-eases-anxiety-MINUTES-study-finds.html